Texas Tech University is home to the Raider Aerospace Society, otherwise known as Space Raiders. This is a university recognized society, whose mission is to inform students of the career possibilities for aerospace and provide resources to better prepare and educate students in order to optimize employment. The client asked their logo be animated and an animation be created of a rocket flying through said logo with cloud animation effects, which I completed using Adobe After Effects. In order to animate the 3D model rocket, I used AutoCAD Inventor to navigate the engineered complexity of the rocket itself in a 3D space. Once this footage was exported from AutoCAD Inventor, I did final adjustments in Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Being my first time using AutoCAD Inventor, the most challenging aspect of this project was the software’s limiting export functionality to preserve the quality I had envisioned.
- Date: April 9, 2019
- Software: Auto Cad Inventor, Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and After Effects
- Source Video: Project